The first International Space Forum for Global Challenges, Trento, 24 October 2016

Oct 22, 2016 Off Comments in Announcement by

Space has no limits

The first International Space Forum for Global Challenges, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI), will be taking place in Trento on 24 October.
The idea for the International Space Forum for Global Challenges arose from the consideration that space academies and universities exist all over the world, representing an extensive network of knowledge and specializations in the scientific and technological disciplines on which the space programmes are based. This knowledge network is a fundamental source of wealth, for both developed countries and for developing countries, to which the event is particularly dedicated. The activity of the Trento Forum will lead to greater involvement of the space academies and universities in developing space policies to address global challenges, among which protecting the environment, climate change and the management of “big data”.
These are the main topics at the Trento Forum, which will be the first international convention at ministerial level on the policies of training and research associated with space programmes. It will involve members of the government who are responsible for training and space, along with representatives from national space agencies and from academic institutions and universities of various countries.
With this high-level meeting, which will involve 83 countries, Italy confirms its leading role in promoting scientific and technological progress, with the development of international partnerships leading to the increasingly sustainable growth of space activities that will benefit humanity.
The summit will be taking place from 10 am to 5 pm at Palazzo della Provincia. At the end of the summit, the organisers, in the presence of the Minister of Education, Universities and Research, Stefania Giannini, will illustrate the points of the resolution adopted.

Press Conference
Trento, 24 October, 5:30 pm, Palazzo della Provincia
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