The Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics and Applications (TIFPA) is a Science and Technology National Center for research in fundamental physics and state-of-the-art development of related technologies. It is embedded in the fertile substrate offered by the Trento Province research and technology context, and capitalizes on the collaborations already established across the past 20 years with UNITN and FBK.


TIFPA means:

synergism among the four partners and collaborations with International partners such as CERN, NASA and ESA;

scientific excellence
world-leading physics and interdisciplinary research;

ECT* in Villa Tambosi, the FBK Center for Materials and Microsystems in Povo, the APSS protontherapy center and others;

translational research
technological transfer, industrial and medical applications.
TIFPA participates in several experiments co-funded by INFN in particle physics (the ATLAS experiment at CERN, which discovered the Higgs boson), space research (e.g. AMS-02 and LISA-Pathfinder), nuclear physics (AEGIS experiment at CERN on anti-hydrogen), theoretical physics (with a unique expertise in ab initio methods to solve the quantum mechanical many-body problem) and applied physics (detectors and medical physics).