Director • Francesco Pederiva is the Director of TIFPA since December 2021.
He got his degree in physics at the University of Trento in 1991, and his PhD in Condensed State Theory at SISSA in Trieste in 1994. He held a post-doc position at the Computational Science and Engineering Group at the Cornell Theory Center. Then moved to the Department of Physics of the University of Trento in 2001, first as university researcher, then associate professor in the FIS / 04 sector (Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics) since 2010, and full professor in the same sector since 2020. He was Coordinator of the PhD in Physics in Trento and Coordinator of Group IV (Theoretical Physics) at the INFN-TIFPA center, as well as national coordinator of the INFN "MONSTRE" Specific Initiative. His main research interests are in the field of quantum computation applied to nuclear physics, and in general in the computational physics of quantum many-body systems. He has authored about 130 peer-reviewed papers; he currently teaches courses in Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics, Computational Physics and Nuclear Astrophysics at the Physics Department of the University of Trento.
Partners Committee (CPR) • This board co-ordinates the collaboration of the partner institutions. CPR is chaired by the center Director and is composed by one representative each from INFN, UNITN, FBK, and APSS.
Center Council (CC) • The CC is the center governance and represents approximately 100 INFN associates in Trento. It is composed by the five INFN group coordinators, three representatives of Technological Sectors (virtual laboratories: space, medical, and sensors), representatives of the personnel and of the technical services.
Repository of CC minutes (requires authentication with INFN credentials).
Technical-Scientific Committee (CTS) • CTS monitors the implementation of the research programs and their position in the International context, advises the CC in its scientific and technological strategy, and supervises the evaluation of the center.