TIFPA - Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics and Applications

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Our Activities

The center is a joint initiative of
INFN  National Institute for Nuclear Physics
UniTrento  Trento University
FBK  Bruno Kessler Foundation
APSS  Province of Trento Healthcare Agency


In evidence

The Research room with the two beamlines.The two beamlines in the Trento Protontherapy Centre research room.

How to apply for beamtime

Les cobayes du cosmos

Marco Durante interviewed on radioprotection for astronauts
in the documentary film Les cobayes du cosmos
written and directed by Jean-Christophe Ribot
© cocottesminute productions 2018

Watch the excerpt
Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee

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Virtual Labs


Space research

The Science of outer space

TIFPA collaborates in large experiments to study matter and forces in space...
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Medical tech

Therapy applications

TIFPA is the research partner in the Trento protontherapy center...
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Detector technologies

TIFPA will benefit from the FBK expertise in silicon-based systems for detection of radiation...
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