September 4, 2024

Lorenzo Castelli received the Best Oral Award at CCP5 School of CECAM

Lorenzo Castelli, PhD student at UniTN and collaborator of the Bimer group at TIFPA, received on 23rd July 2024 the Best Oral Award at CCP5 School of CECAM, presenting work on molecular dynamics simulations of radiobiological effects with reactive force field and combination with Monte Carlo simulation. Lorenzo’s research involves developing a multiscale modeling framework to...
February 23, 2024

Cloud of Positronium, an Exotic Matter-Antimatter System, Laser-Cooled for the First Time

Positronium (Ps), an exotic atom consisting only of an electron and its antimatter particle, the positron, is the lightest known atomic system. The AEgIS collaboration at CERN experimentally demonstrated, for the first time, Ps laser cooling using a particular laser system (alexandrite-based), specifically developed to meet the requirements of cooling: high intensity, large bandwidth and...
December 17, 2023

Il TIFPA piange la tragica scomparsa di Alberto Franzoi

Abbiamo appreso con sconcerto e con profondo dolore della scomparsa in tragiche circostanze e in giovanissima età del nostro Alberto Franzoi, membro del personale tecnico del TIFPA. Alberto lavorava con noi da quasi dieci anni ed era diventato dipendente di ruolo del TIFPA nel 2021. Era una persona limpida e discreta, di grandissime competenze e...
November 15, 2023

International Cosmic Day 2024

Il 21 Novembre 2023 dalle 14:30-18:30, presso il dipartimento di fisica e INFN-TIFPA, si terrà la sesta edizione del “International Cosmic Day (ICD)” iniziativa all’interno del progetto OCRA (https://www.tifpa.infn.it/projects/ocra/). ICD è un evento gratuito, aperto a studenti maggiorenni delle scuole superiori trentine (ai docenti) e agli iscritti alla triennale in fisica presso UniTN.  Gli studenti...
March 24, 2023

Ruggero Caravita appointed as new AEgIS spokeperson

The AEgIS experiment at CERN has appointed Ruggero Caravita, a physicist at the Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics and Applications of Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, as its new spokesperson. Caravita focused on particle physics and non-linear optics during his studies at the University of Milano. He obtained his PhD from the University of Genova,...
January 25, 2023

L’Universo a due voci. La Cosmologia incontra il pubblico.

Venerdì 3 febbraio dalle ore 18 alle 20.30 circa, presso l’auditorium di Palazzo Prodi (via T. Gar 14), nell’ambito del workshop Universum verrà tenuto l’evento pubblico “L’Universo a due voci”. La luce delle galassie più lontane permette da tempo all’umanità di esplorare le profondità dell’universo. Ora, una nuova finestra sul cosmo è stata aperta dalle...
November 23, 2022

Francesco G. Cordoni awarded for best paper of the year 2021 in Radiation Research

During the Radiation Research annual meeting at Hawaii, the most important international conference on research of biological effects of radiation, the Radiation Research Editors’ Award was delivered to Francesco Cordoni (Images of the Awarding ceremony above and at the bottom) for the paper “Cell Survival Computation via the Generalized Stochastic Microdosimetric Model (GSM2); Part I:...
September 19, 2019

Ruggero Caravita, winner of a FELLINI fellowship, joins TIFPA

Ruggero Caravita is one of the 15 winners of the first call of the FELLINI fellowship. On 16 September 2019 he joined TIFPA to carry out the three year research project supported by his fellowship. Here is a short biographical note and research statement from Ruggero.
February 11, 2016

Gravitational Waves detected by VIRGO and LIGO collaborations

The international collaborations VIRGO and LIGO have jointly announced the first observations ever of Gravitational Waves. This breakthrough in Physics arrives exactly 100 years after the existence of Gravitational Waves was hypothesized by Albert Einstein. Gravitational Waves (GW) are described as ripples in the space-time fabric that propagate at light speed. GW carry unique information...
February 1, 2016

TIFPA researcher’s experiment goes on corporate brochure

AMSBIO, a company specialised in products for experimental biology, used the results of a human cancer stem cells growth experiment carried out by TIFPA researcher Walter Tinganelli to illustrate the use of its products in a recent brochure. Walter, while at GSI, used for the first time the Cultrex 3D Spheroid Invation Matrix, a special...
October 13, 2015

JASTRO 28th Annual Meeting

JASTRO 28th Annual Meeting From Thursday 19 November – to Saturday 21 November 2015 Beisia Culture Hall, Maebashi, Gunma, Japan Read more
October 12, 2015

The International Symposium on Ion Therapy 2015

The International Symposium on Ion Therapy 2015 From Thursday 15 October – to Friday 16 October 2015 The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas Read more
July 3, 2015

FragmentatiOn On Target (FOOT)

FragmentatiOn On Target (FOOT) La prima riunione dell’esperimento FragmentatiOn On Target (FOOT) si e’ tenuta a Trento, presso Villa Tambosi – ECT*, il giorno 29 luglio 2015.
July 2, 2015

Concorso di Idee Acceleratore

Concorso di Idee Acceleratore Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Università di Trento, in collaborazione con il Mart, Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto Le idee dovranno essere presentate entro giovedì 30 luglio 2015 Read more