TIFPA researcher’s experiment goes on corporate brochure

Feb 1, 2016 Off Comments in Experiment by

AMSBIO, a company specialised in products for experimental biology, used the results of a human cancer stem cells growth experiment carried out by TIFPA researcher Walter Tinganelli to illustrate the use of its products in a recent brochure. Walter, while at GSI, used for the first time the Cultrex 3D Spheroid Invation Matrix, a special matrix gel produced by AMSBIO to grow cancer stem cells in a 3D culture. Usually cancer stem cells grow in vitro as spheres, and stay confined into such spheres. Cultures carried out by Walter Tinganelli in Clutrex 3D developed protrusions, as clearly visible in the picture. This new approach might reproduce more realistically the cancer stem cells movement and invasion in vivo. Walter is currently planning to develop more complex and realistic 3D tumors in collaboration with advanced bio-tech centres.

AMSBIO webpage on the research
ASSBIO brochure

Courtesy of Biophysics Dept, Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH (GSI)