Nearest local airports are Verona (national and international connections), Venezia and Innsbruck. Alternatively, nearest international hubs are Milan Malpensa and Munich. For further directions towards Trento refer to train info below.
Trento is served by a major line connecting central and northern Italy with Germany, which makes Trento well connected with Rome and Munich. If you are coming from Milan or Venice, you have to change train in Verona.
You have to take a taxi or a local bus (see below) to go from Trento station to our premises within the Physics Department of Trento University in Povo.
In order to reach our premises in Povo you have to catch bus no. 5 or 5/ at the stop in front of the train station. You can buy bus tickets at a booth or by the newsagent in the station hall. With bus no. 5, get off at Povo Facoltà di Scienze stop (see map below), which is 300m away from the Physics Department. Go uphill until the roundabout, then straight on for 200m. The main entrance of the Physics Dept. is on the right hand side of the road. A few number of runs stop at Povo Pantè, refer to the map below for directions. With bus no. 5/, get off at Povo Sommarive stop, just in front of the Physics Dept. main entrance. Info and timetable of urban transport service in Trento: Trentino Trasporti
If you are getting to Trento from the North, leave the motorway at Trento nord exit. Follow directions to Padova, then get off the Trento by-pass at Uscita 10 (Trento est) and follow directions to Povo. As soon as you get to Povo (you will know it from a large white plate with the village name along the road side), at the roundabout take the third exit(see map below, black arrows). The main entrance of the Physics Dept. is 200 m past the roundabout, on the right.
If you are arriving in Trento from the South, get off the motorway at Trento Sud. After the tollbooth take right (follow Tutte le direzioni sign), then follow directions to Vicenza for about two km, until you get to a junction where you see a Povo sign to the left pointing downhill along Via Galassa. From now on follow directions to Povo for about two km, until you get to the roundabout (see map below, brown arrows). The main entrance of the Physics Dept. is 200 m past the roundabout, on the right.