ICD - International Cosmic Day 2019
A workshop aimed at involving high school student in the experimental Cosmic Ray science
The ICD 2019 at TIFPA
The International Cosmic Day brings students, teachers and scientists together to talk and learn about Cosmic Rays.
What are cosmic particles?
Where do they come from?
How can they be measured?
During the International Cosmic Day (ICD) we guided the students to find answers to these questions. But furthermore, they carried out their own measurements and get in contact with groups all over the world to compare and discuss their results, working like a real scientist in an international collaboration.
On November 6th, 2019 the TIFPA center joined the initiative for the first time, proposing an afternoon dense of activities to 26 students coming from 3 different high schools of Trentino-Alto-Adige:
Istituto di Istruzione “A. Degasperi”, Borgo Valsugana
Istituto di Istruzione “Martino Martini”, Mezzolombardo
Liceo Scientifico “L. da Vinci”, Trento
The students, divided in groups, collaborated with each other to measure the angular dependence of the cosmic muon flux and the muon average velocity.
Guided by the expert of the TIFPA, they also had the opportunity to see the cosmic ray detectors of the centre and have a live virtual visit of the Control room of the AMS-02 experiment, sited at CERN in Geneva.
Finally, they presented their results at the participants of other institutions from all-over the world, in a series of videocalls organized by the DESY collaboration.
• 14:30: Welcome at TIFPA
• 15:00: Presentation: What are Cosmic Rays and how we detect them
• 15:30: Experimental session: Detection of cosmic muons
• 16:30: Detection of muons with alcohol/dry-ice Cloud Chamber
• 17:30: Virtual tour of the control centre of AMS-02 experiment
• 18:30: Data analysis and presentation of results via videocall
• Local responsible for TIFPA: Francesco Dimiccoli
• involved TIFPA people: Elettra V. Bellinzona, Benedetto Di Ruzza, Christian Manea, Marta Missiaggia, Francesco Nozzoli, Ester Ricci.