ARDESIA - ARray of DEtectors for Synchrotron radIation Applications

The goal of ARDESIA is the development of a new detection system based on low-leakage monolithic arrays of Silicon Drift Detectors, readout by a low-noise CMOS preamplifier. The system will allow achieving high-energy resolution and high count-rates for fluorescence X-ray spectroscopy applications.

The Science

ARDESIA is an experimental project aiming at the realization of a versatile and high-performance X-ray Spectroscopy detection system for synchrotron experiments in the energy range between 0.2keV and 25 keV. The target energy resolution at -20°C is 123eV (@6keV and low count rate ~10kcps) and lower than 150eV (@6keV and 1Mcps).
The development of the basic detection module is based on monolithic arrays of Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs) realized by the fabrication process available at FBK (Trento), characterized by an entrance window suitable for low-energy X-rays and a low-leakage process with dark current below 200pA/cm2 at room temperature. The first prototype being produced is a 2x2 monolithic SDD array specifically designed for ARDESIA with single element area of 19.6mm2 (circular) and 25mm2 (square).
The readout chain is based on the CMOS preamplifier CUBE, recently introduced and developed by Politecnico of Milan. A monolithic version with 4-channels has been designed and is being produced to fit the ARDESIA 4-channels module’s size. Compatibility with several filtering and data acquisition interfaces is assured by considering both analog and digital processing systems, thus covering different requirements in terms of count rate, number of channels and cost/channel.
A key concept of ARDESIA detection system is modularity. The single basic module (4 channels) can be used when a small detector size is required. Thanks to a minimized dead border, it is possible to assemble many modules together when a bigger detector size or higher count rates are needed.
After preliminary characterization, the ARDESIA detection system will be used to measure XAFS spectra in fluorescence geometry at DXR1 soft X-ray beam line at LNF. Thanks to its versatility, it will be also possible to perform XAFS measurements at higher energies at LISA-ESRF.

Project web site:


• Involved external institutions: Politecnico (Milan)
• INFN groups: Milano, Frascati, TIFPA-FBK
• Principal Investigator: /
• INFN Project: CSN V
• Duration: 3 years (2015 - 2017)


• Local responsible for TIFPA: N. Zorzi
• Involved TIFPA-FBK people: M. Boscardin, F. Ficorella, A. Picciotto, C. Piemonte



ARDESIA Picture of SDD arrays on the wafers during fabrication


ARDESIA Schematic view of the ARDESIA detection module in an X-ray fluorescence configuration