MoVe-IT - Modeling and Verification for Ion beam Treatment planning
Advancing Particle Therapy requires models for biologically optimized treatment planning systems (TPS) in ion beam therapy, and dedicated devices for plan verification, allowing validation accounting for a wide range of complex physical and biological effects.
The main effects that will be explored and implemented in MoVe-IT are: biological impact of target nuclei fragmentation, relative biological effectiveness (RBE), intra-tumor heterogeneity.
The Science
Translational research in hadrontherapy, after providing in recent years successful insights in the specific radiation damage mechanisms and allowing impressive technical developments, is now coming to a maturity where further advances require a large interdisciplinary and multicentric coordination. INFN has strong expertise in physical and radiobiological modeling for hadrontherapy, and outstanding research facilities in course of development, where different treatment planning systems (TPS) can be tested. Innovative TPS should be tested in dedicated facilities with physical and biological measurements, developing specific devices and techniques. MoVe-IT coordinates the INFN expertise in the field of modeling and radiobiology for exploiting this information in producing advanced, biologically adapted treatment planning, and new devices for its verification.
New implementations in the TPS involve target fragmentation, radiobiological effectiveness (RBE) and treatment of intra-tumor heterogeneity, such as hypoxia. Target fragmentation is indeed currently neglected in proton TPS, but it can have an impact on RBE and risk of toxicity. Targeting intra-tumor heterogeneity is major advance toward molecular imaging-guided precision medicine. MoVe-IT exploits the mission of INFN CNS5 in advanced computation and experimental device manufacture and will benefit from the complementarity with other TIFPA projects, especially with the FOOT experiment proposed in CSN3, focused on target fragmentation cross-sections by high-energy protons. Output of the project, beyond scientific publications, will be permanent infrastructures in three INFN laboratories (LNS, CNAO, and TIFPA), novel TPS software algorithms, and patented irradiation devices.
• Principal Investigator: Emanuele Scifoni (INFN – TIFPA)
• INFN Project: CSN V
• Duration: 3 years (2017 - 2019)
• INFN groups:
TIFPA | |||
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Laboratori Nazionali del Sud | |||
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Torino | |||
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Napoli | |||
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Milano | |||
• National and international partners:
GSI, Darmstadt (Germany) | |||
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UT SouthWestern, Dallas (USA) | |||
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APSS, Trento | |||
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Trento University (Biotech, CIBIO) | |||
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CNAO, Pavia | |||
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CNR-IBB/Università Parthenope, Napoli | |||
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CNR-IBFM, Cefalù | |||
Main Publications
1.“Oxygen beams for therapy: advanced biological treatment planning and experimental verication” - Sokol et al., Phys Med Biol 2017 (main contributors: TIFPA, GSI)
2.“Tumour control in ion beam radiotherapy with different ions in presence of hypoxia: an oxygen enhancement ratio model based on the microdosimetric kinetic model – Strigari et al. Phys Med Biol. 2017 (main contributor: INFN-TO)
3.“Model-based approach for quantitative estimates of skin, heart, and lung toxicity risk for left-side photon and proton irradiation after breast-conserving surgery” - Tommasino et al. Acta Oncol. 2017 56, 730-736 (main contributors: TIFPA, INFN-NA, APSS)
4.“Increasing the power of tumour control and normal tissue complication probability modelling in radiotherapy: recent trends and current issues.” Tommasino et al., Transl Cancer Res 2017. Epub ahead on print: doi: 10.21037/tcr.2017.06.03 (main contributors: TIFPA, INFN-NA)
5.“Proton beam characterization in the experimental room of the Trento Proton Therapy facility” - Tommasino et al., Nucl Instr Meth A in print (main contributors: TIFPA, APSS)
6.“Design and characterization of a 64 channels ASIC front-end electronics for high-flux particle beam detectors” - Fausti et al., Nucl Instr Meth A 867 (2017) 1–6 (main contributor: INFN-TO)
TIFPA-GSI research on Oxygen beams for therapy highlighted on Medical Physics Web
Move-IT Kick-off Meeting, Trento 15-16 Dec. 2016
1st Move-IT annual Meeting, Naples 31 May - 1 June 2017
2nd Move-IT annual Meeting, Catania 21-22 June 2018
Move-IT activity report

Scheme of the full implementation of biophysical models in the treatment planning code TRiP98

Scheme of the project organization, including INFN groups and external partners involved